Why auto insurance rates are on the rise…
No one wants to pay more, but here's why it's happening...
Regardless of who your auto insurance company is, chances are you'll see your auto insurance rates increase on your next renewal. Even if you've had no claims or accidents, you are still likely to pay more this time around. There are several factors companies use to calculate auto premiums. Some of these factors relate to you as an individual. For example, they consider your age, sex, driving history, how much you drive, the type of car you drive, your address, as well as information relating to your credit score, to name a few. Other factors, however, relate to your assigned risk pool- these you have no control over. This info-gram below outlines a few of the reasons for increases we're seeing with auto insurance rates.Many companies experiment with different types of programs designed to help them predict the future and save their customers money. A popular option is letting the insurance company monitor...