New Vehicle Purchase New Vehicle PurchaseError: Contact form not found. Umbrella Risk Calculator Umbrella Risk Calculator Home & Auto Renewal Survey Home & Auto Renewal Survey Your name Street address Your preferred email Best phone number to reach you Please indicate your current marital status. singlemarriedengageddivorcedwidowedSpouse's first and last name Best phone number for spouse. Email address for spouse. Home QuestionsSince your last review...Has anyone moved in or out of the household in the last 12 months? *students away at college are still considered household members yesnoIf so, please explain Have you installed a (third-party) monitored security or fire alarm system in the past 12 months? yesnoburglary onlyburglary and firefire onlyDo you, or another household member, work from home? yesnoAre there any business operations conducted in the home? daycare, music lessons, hairstylist, etc.. yesnoPlease provide more detail What is the estimated value of your personal property at your residence that you use for work? ex: computer, laptop, desk, furniture, filing cabinets, etc Have you made any significant home improvements?* *wiring, HVAC, plumbing, roof, additions, etc... yesnoPlease provide more details: Have you purchased any other properties? *rentals, secondary or seasonal home nonerentalsecondary/seasonalHave you purchased any of the following or similar items? nonewatercraftmotorcyclesnowmobileRVATVHave you acquired any pets or livestock? yesnoPlease provide more detail (type, breed, count) : Have you installed any of the following or similar items? nonepooljacuzzitrampolinefree standing wood stoveHave you acquired any valuable collections? *artwork, jewelry, furs, precious metals or guns, etc... yesnoPlease provide more details: Are you satisfied with your current deductible? yesnocontact me with optionsYour insurance company has additional coverage options for home you might be interested in. (select your company below and choose the coverage(s) you would like more info about) —Please choose an option—ErieAAAGrangeTravelersProgressive/ASISafeCoStillwaterOhio MutualOpenlysewer or drain backupextended water (flood)earthquakemine subsidence/sinkholewatercraft liabilityfarm equipmentfarm liabilityfarm livestockfarm propertyfarm operationsburied utility lineequipment breakdownidentity recovery/fraudnot interestedsewer or drain backupearthquakeAAA membershipnot interestedsewer or drain backupearthquakesinkholeequipment breakdownassisted living carehome cyber protectionburied utility lineidentity theftfarming liabilitynot interestedsewer or drain backupearthquakeequipment breakdownidentity fraud expensedecreasing deductibleloss forgivenesspersonal injuryroof & siding matchingfarming liabilitywater seepage/leakageburied utility lineassisted living carenot interestedsewer or drain backupearthquakemine subsidencegolf cart coveragehome computer coverageidentity managementnot interestedsewer or drain backupearthquakehome day carefarming liabilityroof & siding matchingburied utility lineidentity theft recoverypersonal offenseequipment breakdownhome warrantypet health insurancenot interestedsewer or drain backupearthquakeidentity recoveryhome systems protectioncyber/data breach/bullypersonal injurynot interestedsewer or drain backupearthquakeequipment breakdownfarming liabilityburied utility linehome daycareassisted living carenot interestedsewer or drain backupearthquakeequipment breakdownburied utility linehome-sharingsupplemental boat hull coveragecyber/identity theftnot interestedDo you currently have a mortgage on your home? yesnoWe need to make sure we have the correct mortgage company listed on your policy. Please provide bank's name. Auto QuestionsSince your last review...Are there any newly-licensed drivers or any drivers no longer in household? yesnoPlease provide more details: Has a student moved away to college (100+ road miles) without the use of a vehicle? yesnoHave you, or any driver, changed job or school locations or work from home? yesnoPlease explain: Does any household driver participate in any ridesharing activities? (Uber/Lyft driver, Door Dash, UberEats,etc) yesnoPlease let us know which vehicle(s) are used Have any insured vehicles been customized or altered? yesnoPlease provide more details: Have you paid off any vehicle loans this past year? yesnoWhich loan(s) are paid off? What is the total number of vehicles registered to you and/or your spouse/significant other? (REMEMBER- you should not insure vehicles not registered to you/mate.) Have you considered increasing your liability limits for better protection of your assets? yes, more info pleaseno thanksYour insurance company has additional coverage options for auto you might be interested in. (select your company below and choose the coverage(s) you would like more info about) —Please choose an option—ErieAAAGrangeTravelersProgressiveSafeCoStillwaterOhio Mutualcomprehensivefull glass $0 deductiblecollisionroadside serviceloss of use (rental car)new auto securityrideshare gap (Uber/Lyft)rate lockauto plus (dim. deductibles)not interestedcomprehensivefull glass $0 deductiblecollisionroadside assistanceloss of use (rental car)special equipmentloan/lease gap coveragenot interestedcomprehensivefull glass $0 deductiblecollisionroadsideloss of use (rental car)ID theftpet injurymobile devicesnew auto replacedeductible waiverloan/lease gapcustom equipmentrideshare gapminor violation forgiveaccident forgivenessnot interestedcomprehensive$50 glass deductiblecollisionroadsideloss of use (rental)loan/lease gapincreased custom equiplimited mexico coverageRDP accident/viol forgivePRDP (+dim deducts)new car replacementIntelliDrive savingsnot interestedcomprehensivefull glass $0 deductiblecollisionroadsideloss of use (rental)loan payoffincreased custom equipSnapShot savingsdiminishing deductiblespaperless discountnot interestedcomprehensivefull glass $0 deductiblecollisionroadsideloss of use (rental)accident forgivenessworld-wide rentalloan lease/gapnew vehicle replacementcustom equipemergency assistancerideshare (Uber/Lyft)claims free cash backnot interestedfull glass $0 deductiblenot interestedfull glass $0 deductibleenhanced collisionroadsidetrip interruptionloan/lease gapaccident forgivenesspet injurynot interestedWith regards to life insurance, select all that apply to you. I/spouse have w/ employerinterested in optionsI don't have anynot interestedI have but want to review itHow would you rate our service to you? below averageaverageabove averagesuperiorAre there any areas you feel we could improve upon in providing service to you? noyesWe welcome your feedback... Share this link with a friend to be automatically entered into our referral program where you can win gift cards and CASH! The more you refer, the more likely you'll win! Please consider leaving us a review here: (link opens new window) Leave us a review Homeowner's Renewal Survey Homeowner's Renewal SurveyError: Contact form not found. Auto Renewal Survey Auto Renewal Survey Your name Street address Your preferred email Best phone number to reach you Please indicate your current marital status. singlemarrieddivorcedwidowedSpouse's first and last name Best phone number for spouse. Email address for spouse. Auto QuestionsSince your last review...Are there any newly-licensed drivers or any drivers no longer in household? yesnoHas a student moved away to college (100+ road miles) without the use of a vehicle? yesnoHave you, or any driver, changed job or school locations or work from home? yesnoPlease provide more details: Does any household driver participate in any ridesharing activities? (Uber/Lyft driver, Door Dash, UberEats,etc) yesnoPlease let us know which vehicle(s) are used Have any insured vehicles been customized or altered? yesnoPlease provide more details: Have you paid off any vehicle loans this past year? yesnoWhich loan(s) are paid off? What is the total number of vehicles registered to you and/or your spouse/significant other? (REMEMBER- you should not insure vehicles not registered to you/mate.) Would you be interested in bundling your homeowner's or renter's insurance with your auto? multi-policy discounts can save you up to 40%! yesI already donoHave you considered increasing your liability limits for better protection of your assets? yes, more info pleaseno thanksYour insurance company has additional coverage options for auto you might be interested in. (select your company below and choose the coverage(s) you would like more info about) —Please choose an option—ErieAAAGrangeTravelersProgressiveSafeCoStillwaterOhio Mutualcomprehensivefull glass $0 deductiblecollisionroadside serviceloss of use (rental car)new auto securityrideshare gap (Uber/Lyft)rate lockauto plus (dim. deductibles)not interestedcomprehensivefull glass $0 deductiblecollisionroadside assistanceloss of use (rental car)special equipmentloan/lease gap coveragenot interestedcomprehensivefull glass $0 deductiblecollisionroadsideloss of use (rental car)ID theftpet injurymobile devicesnew auto replacedeductible waiverloan/lease gapcustom equipmentrideshare gapminor violation forgiveaccident forgivenessnot interestedcomprehensive$50 glass deductiblecollisionroadsideloss of use (rental)loan/lease gapincreased custom equiplimited mexico coverageRDP accident/viol forgivePRDP (+dim deducts)new car replacementIntelliDrive savingsnot interestedcomprehensivefull glass $0 deductiblecollisionroadsideloss of use (rental)loan payoffincreased custom equipSnapShot savingsdiminishing deductiblespaperless discountnot interestedcomprehensivefull glass $0 deductiblecollisionroadsideloss of use (rental)accident forgivenessworld-wide rentalloan/lease gapnew vehicle replacementcustom equipemergency assistancerideshare (Uber/Lyft)claims free cash backnot interestedfull glass $0 deductiblenot interestedfull glass $0 deductibleenhanced collisionroadsidetrip interruptionloan/lease gapaccident forgivenesspet injurynot interestedWith regards to life insurance, select all that apply to you. I/spouse have w/ employerinterested in optionsI don't have anynot interestedI have but want to review itHow would you rate our service to you? below averageaverageabove averagesuperiorAre there any areas you feel we could improve upon in providing service to you? noyesWe welcome your feedback... Share this link with a friend to be automatically entered into our referral program where you can win gift cards and CASH! The more you refer, the more likely you'll win! Please consider leaving us a review here: (link opens new window) Leave us a review