Buy a new bike? Rebuild an old one? Here are some options for insuring it.
At Wilkinson Insurance Agency in Brownsburg, Indiana we specialize in motorcycle insurance and we have many carriers who offer very competitive pricing. Furthermore, there are a lot of add-on options that even many auto insurance policies don’t offer!
Depending on the age and other factors of your bike, our motorcycle insurance policies may be able to offer you:
Full replacement value
Parts damaged in an accident are replaced with new ones and no depreciation is factored in! In other words, your bike is returned to you in like or better condition than before the accident.
Total loss coverage
This is available if your bike is less than one model year old on a new policy, and two model years old during a renewal of an existing policy. In the event your bike it totaled, you’ll get the full MSRP for a brand new motorcycle, less your deductible, of course.
Gear & personal belongings
With this coverage, any personal items you carry with you on your bike are covered if they are damaged or stolen. This includes things like your cell phone, helmets and safety gear and even camping gear!
There are tons of other great options too, including diminishing deductibles, roadside, customized equipment coverage and accident forgiveness.
Ready to find out more?
Drop us a line today for a free quote or click button below and fill out our online quote form!