What does garage liability insurance cover?
Garage liability insurance, or “garage-keepers” protects your business against property and liability losses. You have a a lot of property to protect- your inventory, your office equipment, tools, not to mention other people’s cars! Costs add up quickly on damages to cars caused by vandalism or theft. What if your shop catches on fire? Could your business recover from a catastrophic loss?
Besides property losses, there are many liability risks as well. It’s important to have protection for faulty repairs on your customer’s cars. For example, if you repair the brakes on someone’s car and they fail causing an accident, then you could be found liable for damages. After all, no matter how careful you are, accidents happen and people make mistakes. Negligence doesn’t have to be intentional- you can be liable for accidents too.
You can also have coverage to redo work on a faulty install. Labor and material costs can add up quickly especially if you have to do the work twice but only get paid for it once.
Several coverage options are available too.
To make sure you have the best coverage possible, contact Wilkinson Insurance Agency in Brownsburg. Let us tailor a garage liability policy designed just for you and your business.